To accompany the new book, The Divine Spark Within
The Gospel of Thomas
Abbreviations reference quotes taken from texts
published on the listed websites.
ActJ: Acts of John
AJ: Apocryphon of John, translated by Frederik Wisse
AJ-D: Apocryphon of John translated by Stevan Davies
Allo: Allogenes
AP: Act of Peter
APa: Apocalypse of Paul
APe: Apocalypse of Peter
AT: Acts of Thomas
BTC: Book of Thomas the Contender
CGP: Concept of the Great Power
ES: Exegesis of the Soul
Eug: Eugnostos the Blessed
FstAJ: First Apocalypse of James
GE: Gospel of the Egyptians
GM: Gospel of Mary
GP: Gospel of Philip
GR: Great Revelation
GT: Gospel of Thomas
GTr: Gospel of Truth
HA: Hypostasis of the Archons
IE: First Book of IEOU
LPP: Letter of Peter to Philip
NHL: Nag Hammadi Library
OS: Odes of Solomon
OW: On the Origin of the World
PS: Pistis Sophia
RA: Revelation of Adam
SJC: Sophia of Jesus Christ
ST: Second Treatise of the Great Seth (Bullard and Gibbons)
TN: Thought of Norea
TP: Trimorphic Protennoia, First Thought in Three Forms (Turner)
TPM: Thunder, Perfect Mind
TSS: Three Steles of Seth
TT: Tripartite Tractate