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Sophianic Eclipse Meditation

Solar Eclipse Meditation

Anchoring into Source Light

A Sophia Christos Bridal Chamber Meditation

Monday, April 8, 11 - 11:30 am PT

Zoom link HERE


 for 6 minute video description of this meditation

Diana and I will be holding a half-hour meditation process during the peak of the solar eclipse. With the Sun's rays obscured by the moon, we will have a greater opportunity to anchor our consciousness into the Source Light Emanation, the radiance of High Holy Sophia Shekinah. We will also bring our own Spark of this Divine Light Emanation that is within us into sympathetic resonance with this Divine Radiance that is outside of the archonic control system. This meditation corresponds to the gathering of Indigenous Elders at the Mapimi Zone of Silence in Northern Mexico, the area of the globe where the direct alginment with the solar eclipse will take place between 11:17 - 11:22 am PT. Go to HERE for more information.

Countering the black sun rituals that are clinging to the death paradigm, we open our arms to the Gift of Support from Sophia, as we ourselves are lifted out from under the darkness of the old paradigm.

Please join us on zoom, or just drop into prayer, especially at the peak of the eclipse over The Zone of Silence between 11:17 - 11:22 am PT.


for 6 minute video description of this meditation

Monday, April 8, 11 - 11:30 am PT

Zoom link HERE


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