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Divine Spark Book Update

The Departure, by Thomas Cole, 1837. Image used on book cover.

(This letter was sent to website subscribers on 11/13/22. To get on this list, click "Contact" in the menu above.)


I hope you're doing well, or at least, holding forth amidst the trials of being a spiritual being in physical form. As we move quickly into this darker winter season, seeing the deep red leaves of the Japanese maple out my window, it is a good time to turn inward and become more attuned to the small Light within.

My new book, The Divine Spark Within, has been out for over two months now and is recognized by some as being a helpful resource for navigating what could be called our current transitional times. The broad story of Sophia, brought to us by the deeper teachings of Christ as is argued in the book, offers an immensely valuable compass to seeing where humanity lies in the long arc of the Christos-Sophia plan to bring to this quadrant of the universe fully embodied "Children of Light." As central actors on the stage of this unfolding drama, each of us has a unique and nuanced path of awakening that is contributing to our collective spiritual renewal. May our thoughts, emotions, inspirations, and soul work kindle our spiritual stem cells that are quantumly linked with the radiance of original creation.

I had my first interview on the book with Miguel Conner and his co-host Vance, in his podcast Aeon Bytes Gnostic Radio. His 16 minute intro is not for the faint of heart, as the Gnostic context is quite complex. Miguel's support of my book has been such a boost and it was fun to explore the complex themes with someone who has been deep diving and splashing around in all this for years. More podcasts from other venues are in the works as well as a talk, right brain meditative process, and book signing at our local Many Rivers spiritual bookstore in Sebastopol, CA, scheduled for Thursday, Dec. 15 at 7 pm.

The book, though dense, is meant to be fodder for conversations and spiritual processes that many of us are involved in. Here is a brief synopsis. All chapters are designed to lead up to a culminating Chapter 21, The Bridal Chamber, where many of the obscure themes and controversial investigations are distilled down to a simple meditative process and awareness. If I've lost you at any other part of the book, I recommend at least checking out this chapter.

Thank you for all that you are doing to stay present during these often trying times, and for adding the sonic wonder of your vibrational frequency to the symphony of our positive, collective, evolutionary progress at this time.

In Christos - Sophia - Shekinah - Ein Soph.

Many Blessings,

Dan Morse

The last paragraph of the book:

"This Thomas cross seems to illustrate that the Holy Light within us is made of the same stuff as the fire of Ein Soph, or the Great Power, that radiates from the Source, carried down into materiality by the Sophianic Holy Spirit. Incredibly, this may be the earliest illustration of what both Thomas and the Deep Christ meant by the phrase, 'Bring forth what is within you.'"


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